Race Equality Impact Assessment in San Jose

Race Equality Impact Assessment in San Jose, TX

Get Your Assessment Today

One of the racial equity services Project 986 provides clients is a race equality impact assessment (REIA). It’s a systematic examination of how different marginalized groups can be affected by a proposed action, decision, or proposition. It’s used to minimize unanticipated adverse consequences for programs, proposed policies, institutional practices, and more.

Our team can help you identify instances of undetectable racism or prejudice within your company, prevent it, and identify new options to remedy long-standing inequities. This assessment can be used during vital decision-making processes before the enactment of new proposals to inform decisions and reduce and eliminate racial discrimination and inequities before they come to fruition.

During these assessments, you and your company will look within your policies and practices and ask yourself these questions and more:

  • Which marginalized groups might be affected by the issues related to this proposal?
  • What factors produce and perpetuate inequalities associated with said issue?
  • What does this proposal seek to accomplish?
  • What positive impacts on equality and inclusion, if any, could result from this proposal?

Understand that racism and prejudice in the workplace are often unintentional and unconscious, but still harmful to the marginalized communities they affect. These assessments can help leaders understand the implications of existing or proposed policies, programs, and practices to ensure every individual and their unique experience is considered, validated, and listened to. With Project 986, you can cultivate a supportive community of learning, reflection, and growth among all members of your workforce to become even stronger than before.

Changing outcomes requires a deep diagnosis of the routine, normalized practices within an organization. Being embedded within a biased system can unwittingly influence outcomes and behaviors, whether or not managers and employees realize it. These assessments are meant to enforce the idea that racism and discrimination have less to do with intention, and more to do with how actions or inaction amplifies and enables systemic dynamics.

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