DEI Services

Racial Equity & Anti-Racism Services

We help organizations navigate complex sociocultural landscapes, promote justice-centered values, and realize racially equitable outcomes.

Navigate Complex Landscapes & Promote Justice-Centered Values

You may be looking to take your first steps in promoting racial equity. Or, you’re currently implementing racial equity programs and are exploring new ways to do so.

Regardless of your situation, partnering with Project 986 allows you to make progress toward racial equity in support of your diverse workforce and community.

Silhouettes walking down a hill

Realize Racially Equitable Outcomes

Our racial equity and anti-racism services help you develop an understanding of the realities and adverse impact of racial bias as well as structural, systemic, and institutional racism.

Such forces continue to inform inequitable life outcomes for communities of color. That said, organizations can start here, promoting racial equity in both their internal and external practices.

Diverse women smiling

Book Racial Equity & Anti-Racism Services Today

Discover the power of our racial equity and anti-racism services to set your organization up for positive DEI and racial equity change.

Get in Touch

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